Dil Seçiniz

Golden PortGolden Port

Golden Port

Province: Antalya Number of Rooms: 2+1 - 1+1
District: Aksu Number of Bathrooms: 1
Municipality: Aksu Municipality Pool: 150 ㎡
Neighborhood: Altıntaş Indoor Pool: 9 ㎡
Parcel: 15326 Garden Usage Area: Available
Parcel: 3 Generator: Available
Land: 2900 ㎡ Security: Available
Construction Area: 4500 ㎡ Fitness Area: 65 ㎡
Landscape Area: 2300 ㎡ Indoor Parking: Available (Vehicle Charging Unit)
Number of Blocks: 2 Outdoor Parking: Available
Number of Apartments: 48 Solar Energy System Feeding Common Areas
Number of Apartments per Floor: 4 Built-in Kitchen Appliances
1+1 Gross/Net: 55 ㎡ / 40 ㎡ Electric Shutters
2+1 Gross/Net: 82 ㎡ / 64 ㎡ Children's Playground
Garden 1+1: 30 ㎡ / 64 ㎡ Sports Field
Garden 2+1: 45 ㎡ / 64 ㎡